How to access Open Data Hub AlpineBits Server as a client

In this howto, we show how to retrieve data from the AlpineBits Server endpoint for the Open Data Hub located at, by using the (Linux) command line–in particular the curl application, and the popular Postman API development environment. An example call can be seen at the bottom of this section.


Alternative command line programs like wget can be used as well: simply adapt the parameters described in the remainder of this section.

The first important thing to mention is that requests to this endpoint need a POST method and an authentication token, therefore you should specify options --request POST and a header requiring Basic authorization and containing your token: --header 'Authorization: Basic <your-email-address>'


While there is no authorization required to access the Open Data Hub AlpineBits Server, we strongly suggest you to insert as token your email address for debugging reasons. It will help trace your calls in the case you require support from the Open Data Hub Team.

Next, it is necessary to provide the correct client protocol version and a client ID, which are two additional headers, namely --header 'X-AlpineBits-ClientProtocolVersion: 2017-10' and --header 'X-AlpineBits-ClientID: 'My test request'.

Concerning the client protocol version, it must be one of the supported version mentioned in Table 1, which also shows the actions that can be used together with the protocol.

Table 1 Matrix of the protocol versions and supported actions in the AlpineBits implementation of the Open Data Hub.
Open Data Hub AlpineBits Server Actions
FreeRooms Yes No Yes No
Inventory Basic Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inventory HotelInfo Yes Yes Yes Yes

Note that PUSH and PULL refer to the action of uploading to and downloading from AlpineBits Server, respectively.

Finally, to retrieve data from the AlpineBits Server, you need to set the correct content type (i.e., multipart/form-data) and provide an action. The content type is specified in another header by --header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data', while the action is given as a form: --form 'action=getVersion'.

Summing up what was described above, a call to the AlpineBits Server endpoint looks like the following one:

~# curl --location --request POST \
'' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic <your-token-here>' \
--header 'X-AlpineBits-ClientProtocolVersion: 2017-10' \
--header 'X-AlpineBits-ClientID: 'My test request' \
--header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
--form 'action=getVersion'

Here, you can see that the additional option --location is used, that will make sure to resend the request in case a 3xx HTTP error code is received, i.e., if the requested resource has been moved.

Postman Setup

In Postman, you need to enter the same data as in the call shown in previous section. The Postman setup equivalent to that call is shown in the two screenshots.


Figure 29 Definition of the call’s headers.

In the headers you need to add all the parameters as in the curl version, except for the authentication: this option need to be specified in the Authorization tab of postman. Here, choose Basic Auth as type and use someuser and secret as username and password, respectively.


It is suggested to use, instead of someuser and secret, your contact information, in order to be able to contact you for some technical reasons.

Next, you need to add, in Postman’s Body tab, the action. Choose form-data, enter action as key and the name of the method to retrieve data, in our example getVersion.


Figure 30 Definition of the action and the outcome of the call.

Once done, make sure to select POST, then click on Send and you will receive the result in the bottom part of Postman’s window, like in Figure 30.

See also

More information about the interaction with AlpineBits can be found in the official documentation, available at